By : Duncan
As promised, here are a further list of tips and shortcuts to make your usage of Windows a bit more slick. Some of them you may know, but it's amazing (to me at least) how many people don't know these simple shortcuts and helps.
(If a key name is in bold, it means you HOLD IT DOWN while pressing the other keys)
1. When entering things like usernames and passwords into a dialog box, you normally press tab to go to the next item. If you want to go backwards (or up) to the previous item, press Shift Tab. This is useful when you want to type over whatever is in the edit box, as shift tabbing to it makes it highlighted, so that you just type, and that highlighted text is replaced without you having to delete it first.
(If a key name is in bold, it means you HOLD IT DOWN while pressing the other keys)
1. When entering things like usernames and passwords into a dialog box, you normally press tab to go to the next item. If you want to go backwards (or up) to the previous item, press Shift Tab. This is useful when you want to type over whatever is in the edit box, as shift tabbing to it makes it highlighted, so that you just type, and that highlighted text is replaced without you having to delete it first.